Infrastructure provides security
Your Web presence must be well planned so that your customers and
prospective customers can reach you anytime and your data is protected
from unwanted access. abas eB does not have limitations regarding the
location and number of servers. By setting up a respective
infrastructure you can ensure that your data remains safe.
Scenario 1
The server on which abas eB is running is in your company and in a special sub-network, the DMZ (demilitarized zone). This zone is protected from the rest of the world by a firewall. Your real server should be in your Intranet and also be protected from external access by a firewall whether you are using abas ERP or a different ERP system. |
Scenario 2
The abas eB server is located with an Internet provider. Thus, you do not have to ensure the availability of the Internet line or the bandwidth. The transmission of data from your internal ERP system to abas eB and back takes place, for exapmple, by means of an ssh connection. Here, your Intranet will also be protected from external access by a firewall and only allows Internet access that has been defined by you. Moreover, all state-of-the-art security mechanisms, such as SSL decoding via https, certificates etc. are available. |
Customer Videos
abas ERP/Automotive
Customer Video Pflitsch
abas-ERP in Mechanical Engineering, Plant Engineering and Construction
Customer Video IST abas ERP Medical Engineering
Customer Video Weinmann Overview
All Videos