With the EDI function you can automatically exchange structured business documents (VDA/ODETTE/EDIFACT) between the application programs of your business partners. EDI implementation brings full control of the entire product, data and money flow. Companies are supported by abas ERP/Automotive in managing complex supply chain processes and coordinating all predetermined logistical processes between manufacturer and supplier.Function overview EDI
- EDI Center
- Delivery forecast
- JIT delivery schedules
- Packing slips
- Credit notes
- Invoices
- Sales orders
- Sales order confirmation
- Product pricing
- Purchase order amendment
- Shipping processing
- ESP / VLC (Vendor Logistics Center) processing / Consignment warehousing
- Packaging supplies management
- ...
Customer Videos
abas ERP/Automotive
Customer Video Pflitsch
abas-ERP in Mechanical Engineering, Plant Engineering and Construction
Customer Video IST abas ERP Medical Engineering
Customer Video Weinmann Overview
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